MetaPack: “The digital environment is constantly changing – and fast”

Voorafgaand aan What’s going on in (R)etailing?! delen sprekers & partners van het congres hun visie, inzichten en onderzoeken op het gebied van retail.

Wat zijn toekomstige trends, welke rol gaat Big Data spelen, wat kunnen we leren van koplopers in de retailsector. Dit keer deelt MetaPack twee interessante whitepapers.


MetaPack Forrester Whitepaper

metapackThe Forrester Whitepaper is an original report commissioned by MetaPack from Forrester Consulting. It looks into the impact of providing flexible delivery options on key customer metrics, including customer satisfaction and repeat purchase, in the UK, France and Germany.

Fulfillment of online orders continues to be a challenge for retailers. Retailers are beginning to acknowledge the significant impact fulfillment has on customer satisfaction and repeat purchase, yet the customer experience is in the hands of their carrier partners. Fulfilling orders of all different  shapes and sizes, alongside customers’ increasing expectations of  convenience, speed, and cost of delivery, adds to the challenge. On top of this, many retailers have to work with multiple carriers — across multiple markets — to be able to provide a range of delivery options to serve customers who expect to be able to choose between a comprehensive selection of delivery options based on their needs for a specific purchase.

In August 2014, MetaPack commissioned Forrester Consulting to evaluate the impact of providing flexible delivery options on key customer metrics, including customer satisfaction and repeat purchase. To further explore this, Forrester tested the assertion that retailers investing in flexible delivery options (providing more convenience and freedom to choose for customers) are seeing their key consumer metrics improve, and the most effective way to do this is with a multicarrier approach.

In this study, Forrester conducted an online survey of 101 retailers across France, Germany, and the UK, supplemented with 10 in-depth phone interviews with executives in eCommerce, marketing, logistics, and supply chain, with knowledge of the fulfillment operations of their organization. Forrester found that retailers closely monitor the impact of delivery options on customer satisfaction and expect customers to demand even greater flexibility — the ability to choose between speed, convenience, and cost of delivery — over the next few years.

Bekijk de gehele whitepaper


Delivering Consumer Choice

The digital environment is constantly changing – and fast. Consumer requirements and behaviours are evolving too. We not only offer you the tools to keep up, but in this report we’re lifting the lid on what your customers want, both now and in the future. To test our belief that delivery experience has a profound impact on customer metrics such as brand loyalty and repeat sales, earlier this year we commissioned Research.
Now to survey 250 female and 250 male consumers across age groups in the UK. The research explored topics such as delivery method preferences, alternative delivery services, positive and negative delivery experiences, cross-border buying behaviour and expectations about delivery in the future. We’re firm believers in using the power of data to produce transformational insights. We’d like to apply the results of our research to address your needs and strategy, so please give us a call to talk about how we can help propel your business forward.

Bekijk de whitepaper Delivering Consumer Choice


Brochure-What's-going-on-in-RetailingWhat’s going on in (R)etailing?!

MetaPack is op 16 april een van de partners van het congres What’s going on in (R)etailing?! in de Passenger Terminal Amsterdam. Een unieke mogelijkheid om van koplopers in de retailsector (zoals Mango, Jumbo, McDonalds, Bas Groep, Macintosh Retail Groep, Subway, Walgreens en vele anderen te horen hoe zij succesvol zijn.
Absoluut hoogtepunt is de presentatie van Werner Vogels, CTO Amazon. Hij geeft een uitgebreide kijk in de keuken van ‘s werelds grootste online retailer.

Meer informatie over het congres en alle sprekers is terug te vinden op de website van What’s going on in Retailing.

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