Predictive analytics provides the answers, enabling marketers to create value with consumers — and drive growth for brand owners.
Predictive analytics opens a direct, immediate path to consumers,enabling businesses to nurture relationships with customers and evenwith those who may influence others to purchase their products. Themore that brand owners know about their customers, the more relevant— and profitable — the relationships will be.
Code Halos help brands sharpen their relevance.1A Code Halo™ is theswirl of digitally generated data that surrounds each of us as individualconsumers, and when brands apply predictive analytics to makemeaning from these rich sources of information, they can improvemarketing effectiveness in four important areas:
- Market awareness
- Brand preference
- Brand influence
- Product development
Decoding Code Halos and developing insights for mutually valuablerelationships, however, requires brand owners to look beyond the oftensporadic view of the consumer that current methodologies and toolsprovide. Brand-building through one-to-one relationships requires newanalytics tools and fundamental changes to marketing.
This white paper reveals how innovative brand owners are embracing Code Halo thinking by pairing big data and predictive analytics. Withpredictive analytics solutions like our Consumer Insights CommandCenter to analyze consumer activity and behavior, marketers can beginto create one-to-one relationships — and put their companies on the roadto continued prosperity.
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