Author Archives: redactie

Exactly Who Are Your Customers?

Predictive analytics provides the answers, enabling marketers to create value with consumers — and drive growth for brand owners. Predictive analytics opens a direct, immediate path to consumers,enabling businesses to nurture relationships with customers and evenwith those who may influence others to purchase their products. Themore that brand owners know about their customers, the more […]

The Future of Retail is ‘Here’ and ‘Now’

To remain competitive in today’s real-time world, retailersneed to more effectively read and respond to consumers’digital fingerprints, or Code Halos, to anticipate theirpreferences and needs and deliver contextually-relevant,timely and inspiring shopping experiences.   In the workplace and our personal lives, many of us operate in real-time. Thanks to the proliferation of mobile devices, we don’t […]

The Rise of the Smart Product Economy

Making products smart can deliver game-changing innovation, enriched customer experiences and new, across-the board levels of efficiency. From R&D and manufacturing, through distribution and after-sales support, product data is changing how products are built, sold and cared for. Our latest research reveals practical steps business leaders can take to benefit from this quickly intensifying and […]

Capitalizing on the power of big data for retail

If retailers succeed in addressing the challenges of “big data,” they can use this data to generate valuable insights for personalizing marketing and improving the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, optimizing assortment and merchandising decisions, and removing inefficiencies in distribution and operations. Curious how solutions for big data can help retailers? [gravityform id=”14″]

Mijn buurman verdiende 150

Retailmanager X verdiende 150.000 euro per jaar. Baan kwijt? Ach, geld zat! Graag neem ik u mee achter de schermen van mijn “headhunters” bestaan. Er moet mij iets van het hart! Heb jij jezelf ook al eens tegen iemand horen zeggen; “ach, je bent je baan kwijt wat vreselijk” om vervolgens in jezelf te denken; […]

Volgens IBM heeft Twitter 0,0% bijgedragen aan Black Friday

Volgens IBM heeft Twitter 0,0% bijgedragen aan Black Friday Black Friday ligt weer achter ons, en van bijna alle retailers (Walmart voorop) hoor je dat het een groot succes was. Mobiel verkeer naar retail sites groeide met 67%, en mobiele verkoop steeg naar 16%, dat was in 2011 nog 9,8%.   Overall is de online […]

The creative inspiration behind Selfridges Womens Designer Galleries

  The creative inspiration behind Selfridges Womens Designer Galleries Selfridges Creative Director, Alannah Weston, and Architect, Jamie Fobert, reveal the inspiration behind Womens Designer Galleries. Find out how water, stone and the modern day women who travels the world have played their part in the design curation which is set to launch at Selfridges in […] website is van Euroforum BV. Privacy statement | Cookie statement | Copyright ©2025